Prayer Breakfast Thoughts | The Real John McClane Prayer Breakfast Thoughts – The Real John McClane

Prayer Breakfast Thoughts

Categories: Politics, POTUS, Prayer Breakfast

Prayer Breakfast Thoughts image

This was a response to a recent Facebook post RE: The President’s recent prayer breakfast speech.

What comes to my mind as I view this post is the typical right or left myopia that is all too prevalent in current American society, including (and sometimes ESPECIALLY) ‘The Body’ in America…

For some of you – don’t worry, in less than two years, all of your problems witll be solved. You will no longer have Barack Obama to kick around. Of course, some of you will spend the next four years or so during the and after 2017 blaming him for why you have to deal with certain issues that will be in existence at that time…

Now before some of you place me in your convenient and positional and stereotypical ‘trick bags’ that don’t require you to think, I DID NOT vote for Barack Obaama in 2012, nor did I vote for Mr. 47% (Romney), either. I created my own Presidential ticket when I voted in 2012…

We are seemingly forgetting the matter of historical context – FDR and Churchill were making these historical statements during a time of unprecedented world war, when the survival of western civilization as we knew it was on the line… Churchill could not cite his country’s history of expansionism and arrogant imperialism during the dark time (some motto about how the sun never set on the British empire?)… nor could FDR mention during your aforementioned speech re: Nazi Germany that over 10% of his country’s citizens were still being treated as second-class citizens- DURING this same war. It was World War 2, in fact, that began the process of loosening the shackles off of this 10% of the US citizenry, as many black men were FINALLY allowed to honorably ‘take up arms’ in defense of their country…

If this country suffers another successful terrorist attack in the near future (God forbid), many people will change their tune at the speed of light, including President Obama.

The last time I remember members of Congress singing ‘God Bless America’ on the steps of the Capitol building was the DAY AFTER the attacks of 9/11… There was no religious timidity, or bi-partisan squabbling at that time, based upon the magnitude of the crisis of the moment…

This President’s words and action have been placed under a more intense and powerful microscope of public and media opinion than any other President in the last 150 years… He has been held to a higher standard than any other President in recent history…

Incidentally, that is one of the hallmarks of racism, institutional or otherwise…

He was attempting to speak in a diplomatic fashion and President before a ‘mixed’ audience of various faiths, not as an Evangelical minister…

Some of our FB contributors seem to have this opinion… How dare a black man point out this country’s injustices and atrocities? Who in hades is he to tell US about the sins of western civilization? He didn’t create western civilization, OUR ANCESTORS DID…

In many folks minds, atrocity is atrocity. Whether it be black, white, red or yellow. BUT – if you want to make the case about which atrocity is worse, I would offer that so-called Christian atrocity would be ‘worse’, because we DON’T have a doctrine that embraces Jihad, or any such wholesale extermination of ‘infidels’…

The slant that President Obama put on the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition is one you hear often in the liberally influenced classrooms across this country, much less than the hallowed halls of his alma mater, Harvard. I had to refute a similar argument over 25 years ago in my Western Civilization class at the University of Michigan. So, is it possible that President Obama is a product of the environment and people that were there to shape and mold him the nascent years of his ideological and political ascendancy??

The Bible tell us, “…with all of our getting, we need to get an understanding…” Which causes me to ask this – WHAT and WHO were there to influence Barack Obama in the formative years of his ideological and political views? Who embraced him at Harvard? WHo embraced him in the 1970’s? In the 1980’s? Was it Cal Thomas? Was it Charles Colson? NO.

There is a saying about ‘folloe the money’… there is much truth in that axiom- but we also need to follow another axiom that may have as much or more power… This axiom can be summed in the this phrase, ‘Follow The Relationships’…

For our relationship example re: President Obama, WHO allowed the young Barack Obama into their inner circles? WHO sought him out? WHO made overtures to him? WHO befriended him? WHO celebrated him?

Whether you like this or not, the actions (or lack thereof) of conservatives thru the years formed the Barack Obama that you love to hate today…

All of us need to follow the biblical admonition of praying for those that are in authority, and as 1 Peter 2:17 reminds us, “…Honor the King…”

Let me ask you this- WHO was king at the time when Peter penned what became Holy Scripture??

Was it some genteel leader of a democratic republic? NO. If Peter (and Paul) enjoined us to pray and honor leaders in THAT day of autocratic despots who were assigned the status of gods, how much more NOW…

Any of us, having developed a platform via social media, have a stewardship of responsibility in the message we disseminate to the ‘masses’ via Facebook, not only for what we say, but for the reaction that our words will garner… for example, the reaction of the spiritual ‘nut cases’ and closeted racists out there who love to fasten their rabid teeth upon some esoteric point of doctrine or news report…

If we’re not careful, we’ll end up being the spiritual version of FOX, where their continuous mantra has been for the past six years, “Obama ain’t squat, Obama ain’t squat…”


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