Trump Triumphant? p.2 | The Real John McClane Trump Triumphant? p.2 – The Real John McClane

As the Republican Primary season continues, Mitt Romney is looking better and better…

This past Sunday, Donald Trump refused to refute the ‘clean’ Klan man, David Duke, and worse yet, the KKK itself. He blamed his sudden befuddlement on not clearly hearing the question.

Yet, Mr. Trump’s supporter ‘mix’ doesn’t seem to have any ‘befuddlement’ at all about the man they’re supporting in his run for the oval office…

The potential parallels between our situation and the situation in Nazi Germany are fascinating…

Just as Hitler was able to tap into the reservoir of the wounded psyche of the German people during the 1920’s, Donald Trump has tapped into some the darkest, deepest reservoirs of White patriotic fervor and fear with his bombastic speeches.

Let us not forget, that Hitler did not reveal his incredibly wicked hand immediately, but let others do his dirty work for a period of time, before he revealed his lethal ‘FINAL SOLUTION’…

What is surprising to me is that you have MESSIANIC JEWISH FOLK oozing unabashed man-love towards ‘The Donald’, in spite of his xenophobic race-baiting rhetoric… It’s going to be interesting to see one or two of these Jewish Trump supporters establish some sort of fallback position if/when Trump is finally trumped…

The irony of at least one of these Jewish Trump lovers is that he (the Trump lover) ACCURATELY cites the deception that took place in Germany during the rise of Adolf Hitler to power… Of course, there were many middle-class Jewish folk in Nazi Germany that didn’t take ‘The Fuhrer’ seriously, either, until it was TOO LATE.

In our country, our unique elements of hatred attempted to coalesce before, during the campaign of Senator John McCain, in 2008, when he was the Republican candidate running against then-Senator Barack Obama for the presidency. To McCain’s credit, he shut down the racist noise that was erupting from his campaign crowds, as he reminded them (the crowds) that Barack Obama was an American citizen, and that he (Senator Obama) needed to be treated with respect as well.

But wait- WHO was it that gave new life to the ‘birther’ issue pertaining to Barack Obama’s citizenship in 2010 or 2011? That’s right- it was DONALD TRUMP who wouldn’t let the dead issue rest in peace, feeding the fears of SOME white, patriotic Americans…

Some of these ‘patriotic’ Americans understand only too well the ‘dog whistles’ being blown by Mr. Trump, as the following excerpt from a recent article shows…

“Mr. Trump’s popularity with white, working-class voters who are more likely than other Republicans to believe that whites are a supreme race and who long for the Confederacy may make him unpopular among leaders in his party,” Lynn Vavreck, a professor of political science at UCLA, writes in the New York Times. “But it’s worth noting that he isn’t persuading voters to hold these beliefs. The beliefs were there — and have been for some time.”

Since then, Trump has continued to play the Stradivarius violin of fear masterfully (sic) by alienating the largest ‘minority’ ethnic group in this country, Hispanics. He also has repeatedly demonstrated his utmost regard for women with spurious offensive remarks.

Trump and his newfound ‘hearing’ issues remind me of another presidential political figure and his ‘inability’ to remember, as he (Nixon) said, “I don’t recall” repeatedly during questioning related to the Watergate scandal 40-plus years ago.

If you don’t pay serious attention to the man (Trump) himself, you’d better pay full attention to the WHO’s that are supporting this man – folks who ‘want their country back’ – a caustic, dangerous combination, indeed.


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